Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Will Sandy Be the November Surprise?

            The presidential election is just around the corner and at this time every four years we sit back and wait for the November surprise. Could Superstorm Sandy be that potential game-changing event in this election. Sandy struck on the night of Monday, October 29th, but her effects will be felt for weeks to come as water recedes along the east coast and people continue to attempt to clean up their homes and communities. Photos out of the hardest hit areas and of heavily populated areas are astounding. So much water breached into the cities. And we’re just starting to survey the full extent of the damage.
            President Obama has already issued emergency declarations in storm stricken communities. This will speed up federal relief to the areas and start the recovery process for the residents. It also helps his image on the campaign trail because he can show voters that he is there and he is doing something about the catastrophe, and what he is doing is not something Republican candidate Mitt Romney is capable of as a candidate. In addition, the president canceled his campaign trip on Tuesday to Colorado so he could stay home and monitor the situation. Meanwhile, Romney has also been monitoring the situation and sending his thoughts and prayers to those along the east coast. According to CNN, the Romney campaign has stopped fundraising emails into affected states, made a campaign bus available for relief efforts, started taking up collections in campaign offices, and put up a blog with weather related advice.
Superstorm Sandy knocked power out for millions of people and businesses. There is the possibility that electricity will not be restored to all areas by next week’s election.  So now, election officials in all of the affected states are working on contingency plans to ensure residents are able to vote and that those votes will be counted. Even if power is restored, some people may not be able to go vote because they are dealing with more pressing issues introduced by the storm. A superstorm such as this makes the presidential election seem small and unimportant, at least to those who are directly affected by the storm. Sandy may overshadow Election Day attempts to get out the vote in many east coast states. She may prove to be an important factor in this election. 

A view of Sandy from space

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