Sunday, October 14, 2012

To My 15-Year-Old Self

             What advice would I have to give to my 15-year-old self? Recently, CNN spoke to numerous influential women and asked them that same question. There’s advice from Oprah, Melinda Gates, Maria Shriver, and Maria Sharapova to name a few. The responses deal with a lesson each woman had to learn while growing older that they wished they would have known when they were younger. Most of them involve some sort of direction to never give up on your dreams. My advice to my 15-year-old self would be a version of that. The lesson comes from the wise Eleanor Roosevelt; no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Throughout life, many people will try to discourage you from accomplishing your goals. That is often because they have different expectations for you. Do not let these people stop you from reaching your dream and do not think less of yourself just because they do. The limitations they set on you are not your barriers. Believe in yourself and prove the naysayers wrong.

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