Friday, October 19, 2012

The Public Breast Feeding Debate

            A new commercial for Luvs diapers is bringing the debate over public breast-feeding back into focus. The ad shows a mother breastfeeding a child at her table at a restaurant. There is a blanket covering the feeding child. Then the commercial cuts to a few years later with a new baby and no blanket covering the feeding child. The commercial voiceover says, "By their second kid every mom is an expert." However, according to Yahoo! Shine, many journalists are praising the ad for promoting feeding at the restaurant table.
            It seems every few months there is some story or movement that brings the breast-feeding debate back into the spotlight. There are strong opinions over the issue and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. It seems the breast-feeding controversy is rather one sided, at least only one side of the issue actively participates in the argument. That one side is made up of those who are working to push for acceptance, and they’ve staged feed-ins, and other protests. The critics only respond and react to those attempts, and the media gives very selective attention to the issue. I wonder if the continued campaign for acceptance will eventually wear the critics into complacency and acceptance.

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