Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hoosier Values in an Election Season

             As this campaign season progresses I feel more and more alienated by local politics. In all the places I have lived I never noticed people going so far out of their way to create an identity and a characteristic for all voters within a certain district. I am bombarded with phrases like hardworking Hoosiers, Hoosier common sense, Hoosier values, etc. Am I supposed to believe that those who live in other states are not hardworking or as hardworking as Hoosiers? Am I supposed to believe that I have less common sense than most Hoosiers? I understand what the politicians are trying to do. They’re trying to make voters feel good about themselves and their choices while letting them know if they are real Hoosiers they will identify with candidate X or candidate Y.
            Despite my not being a real Hoosier, I will not abstain from voting in local contests. However, I have not heard anything in any of the campaign advertisements that sets the candidates apart from one another. In the campaign messages there hasn't been much information on policy plans or political goals. They’re all telling me the same thing, that hardworking Hoosiers have enough common sense to vote to put someone in office that cares about the people in this state. Now how will a message like that educate the electorate? I expect the lack of substance in the campaign commercials to only get worse as the election nears. Any and all candidates are afraid of making too many waves right now. Their goal is to steer down the center and avoid any surprises. Like many others, I will be happy when the election is over. Only three weeks left!

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