Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Bridezilla Email

             Every now and then we hear of a bridezilla that takes the term control freak to the next level. Recently, an email from one bride to her ten potential bridesmaids became public. This email was filled with ridiculous demands and a misconception that the lucky couple and their bridal events are the center of the universe. The email basically tells the women that if they can't comply with the demands they will be replaced as a bridesmaid and relegated to the role of guest. This email has gone viral and is being called the most ridiculous email a bride has ever sent to her bridesmaids. 

           The outrageous email has garnered quite a response as people around the world scoff at the ridiculous requirements for being a bridesmaid, including the monetary conditions that must be met in order to participate. A year away from the big day and there are already three major events planned in three different states across the country, which means airfare, hotels, dresses, etc. I think the email takes the typical bossy bride persona to the next level. Your wedding should be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved, not just you because it went exactly as you had planned and dreamed. You are not doing your bridesmaids a favor by selecting them to intensively deal with your craziness in the months leading up to the nuptials. They're doing you a favor by helping with the planning and keeping you calm during the process. Furthermore, I do not think someone should be required to spend buckets of money on events leading up to your wedding. Spending a certain amount of money should be expected, but if it is a requirement that your friends drop several hundred dollars for events leading up to your vows then you should rethink your plans and perhaps just go on tour. 

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