Monday, June 24, 2013

Recipe review: Apple chips

I have dreadful food issues that prevent me from eating some very tasty dishes. One such issue is my apple allergy, but I generally don't let it keep me from the sweet, juicy goodness. I have tried many different ways to eat apples so my lips won't itch and swell. In a time pinch I just slice them and try to keep the membrane from my lips. When I have a little more time and planning done I make apple chips. Baked apples do not trigger my allergies!

 You'll just need apples and cinnamon. I like to bake mine on an ovenproof wire rack, so I don't need to worry about flipping all of the slices half way through.

Here's what you do:
- Preheat the oven to 275 degrees
- Remove the apple core and slice the apples as thin as you desire (thinner slices are more crisp)
- Place the slices on the rack or on your parchment paper lined cookie sheet
- Sprinkle with cinnamon
- Bake for two hours
This is a great nutritious snack that is easily portable. I just stick them in a baggie or tupperware and go. They're delicious!

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