Thursday, June 20, 2013

A drawback to Greek yogurt

There’s always a food craze and lately, the kick has been Greek yogurt. It is touted for its increased protein and rich and creamy texture, but there is apparently a downside to the dairy product. Luckily, this doesn’t have to do with your health. It is about the environment, so if you don’t care about the earth you live on and whether it will be around for generations to come, then you can stop reading. However, if you have a caring heart and are conscientious about what goes on around you, then read on.

According to the Yahoo! Shine article (yes, I get inspiration from a great number of stories on this site) “The Dark Side of Greek Yogurt,” the acid whey that is strained out of regular yogurt to produce the Greek version is harmful and no one knows quite what to do with it. Producers can’t just simply dump it because it acid would pollute the waterways and harm soil. The temporary solution is to pay farmers to take it and feed it to their cows, which can actually harm their digestive systems if consumed in large quantities. They also sell it to body builders in large tubs.

The good news, like I previously stated, this so-called dark side of Greek yogurt does not have to do with your health. You can continue to eat the stuff. I have tried Greek yogurt and I was pleased. As a vegetarian, I am always looking for ways to get more protein in my diet. I like yogurt, so eating Greek yogurt is a great option for me, although, I generally opt for the larger tubs of regular yogurt when at the store. It is less expensive and contains less packaging.

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