Thursday, December 6, 2012

No Flu Shot For Me

            It’s flu shot season. You see the signs on all corner pharmacies and at many big box retailers. Flu shots are easy to administer and relatively inexpensive, with many employers paying for the shots and even offering special programs to employees so they can get the vaccination on company time. The health community has made it very convenient to get protected, and the educational campaign on the most at risk people has been increased. I have never gotten a flu shot, and I generally don’t think I will unless something drastically changes in my life. I am not at high risk, I do not spend time around children, and I do not get sick easily. I’m not a fan of getting a shot just to get a shot, especially since there will likely be no pay off for me. It’s not a needles issue, it’s an over medication issue. It used to be easier to make my case for not getting a flu shot when people would ask me why. However, due to modern technology and research, many of my talking points have been invalidated and I now just shake my head and admit that I am stubborn. 
Here is one such “helpful” link that contains a look at flu shots in a fact or fiction way. Take a look; you might just learn something new today.

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