Friday, December 21, 2012

Celebrating Win-Sol

     By now you have probably read that I do not get into Christmas. My family's lack of honoring tradition, my inability to celebrate the day because of work, and my abhorrence at the commercial takeover of December, and the fact that it has been turned into nothing more than a gift receiving, tree decorating, cookie eating holiday have all contributed to my antipathy. Every year it seems people start celebrating Christmas earlier, but the problem is I only have so much tolerance for the festivities. By this time of the season I get pretty fed up. My adversion to Christmas spurred me to create my own holiday to celebrate in lieu of Christmas. Today is Win-Sol, or winter solstice. It is an actual date of significance bearing no false pretense. One does not need to dress up, decorate, bake, shop, or give gifts to celebrate Win-Sol. The only requirement is that one take note of the beginning of the winter season and celebrate the snow that will have hopefully already fallen. Since it is a made up holiday, I can start my own traditions and celebrate it the way I want without feeling like a hypocrite for not adhering to the original intent of the (religious) holiday.

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