I am undergoing a pollen pellet eating experiment. Ingesting
the yellow kernels is supposed be a greater help in alleviating my allergy
symptoms than natural, local honey. The pollen pellets are a much higher dosage
of local allergens than what is found in honey. I bought my bottle of antigen
more than a week ago and I immediately began my new daily regimen. I started
out with just a half teaspoon every morning mixed in with my cottage cheese or
yogurt. The key is to mix it in well otherwise you might feel like a rabbit
eating an alfalfa cube. While it does taste like alfalfa smells, the pellets
actually look like the coating that comes on a Strawberry Shortcake ice cream
bar. Nonetheless, eventually the hope is that I will make it up to a teaspoon of
pollen a day.
On the first day, my near immediate mental reaction was that
I should have started with a lower dose. The symptoms came on like gangbusters
and it was definitely irritating. I exhibited red flag warning signs I normally
don’t or haven’t since going on my meds years ago. I had terribly itchy eyes,
so much so that I went to the store and bought some allergy drops. I had a very
itchy nose that sometimes exploded with obnoxious sneezes. It was also very
runny reminding me of my teen years when my soccer teammates jokingly called me
boogie because of my snot that was ever present on the fresh spring field. The
good thing is that I didn’t have a headache or any sinus blockage. While my
symptoms came on strong, I decided this experiment is doable. Onward!
At about day five, I felt like I was finally starting to
acclimate to the half-teaspoon dose. During the day I was only experiencing a
lightly runny nose in the afternoon and occasional eye itchiness. However, the
problem is that I had been waking up with irritated, peeling eye lids. This I
know from my history is due to me rubbing my eyes at night. It is actually the
symptom that broke the camel’s in 2009 and led to my first appointment with the
allergist. I had been plagued with crusty lids that were so bad only Vaseline
would fix them. I wondered for weeks what was going on. One night I woke up
with my hands balled into fists, clenched over my eyes. Mystery solved. Back to
recent days, the eyelid peeling isn’t so bad at first, but after a few days of
rubbing, the trouble compounds and I look like I have a serious dermatological
problem. Worse yet, the problem has spread to my nose. So now, that too, looks
like it is about to crust off.
Now at more than a week out, I have decided to keep my
dosing where it is for at least a couple more weeks. I have to give my body
time to adjust. After all, my eye and nose are still peeling at freakish rates,
scaring off the women and children of the land. I had thought I would be able
to up the dosage a bit after week one, but that will have to wait! Overall, my
health feels improved. The pollen pellets are purported to have additional
benefits, and I do feel like I am more awake (which is surprising since I
imagine I am half asleep most of the night rubbing my face off), I have more
energy, and a clearer outlook. This is a process and I am exercising great
patience with myself, since I am the one who is voluntarily making myself
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