Friday, November 16, 2012

Pushing Forward

            Remember all of those threats from Mitt Romney and other republicans to repeal the health care overhaul? They said if elected they would get rid of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. That would have had dire consequences for many Americans and for me. The health reform results in more people being covered by health insurance through being able to stay on a parent’s plan longer, more affordable care through outlawing unreasonable rate increases for plans, and more thorough care because people will not be denied coverage based on a preexisting condition. It is easy for those who have always had insurance and have never been denied coverage to be critical of the plan. The changes won’t affect everyone, but no patient’s quality of life will be lessened.  Since President Obama earned his re-election, full implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will happen.
            This is yet another reason I am happy President Obama was re-elected. Had he been denied a second term in office my Masters thesis would have had to change. I wrote it in such a way that my argument would still be valid, but the premise wouldn’t be as strong and the topic wouldn't be as timely. I also submitted for a Fulbright grant to study health care in Switzerland. That country will celebrate 20 years since passing universal health care in 2014, the same year the United States institutes the individual mandate. The Fulbright people are still reviewing grant applications and narrowing them down to the finalists. My application and my chances for studying in Switzerland would be thrown out the window if health care reform in America were in jeopardy. I guess my perseverance shows I had faith in President Obama’s electability.

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