Monday, November 19, 2012

Bar Recycling

            I have always been appalled by high volume usage of glass bottles and lack of recycling by bars. Night after night, bar tenders just toss bottles at the end of the night. Bar patrons toss their empties in the trash as they continue to imbibe and waste. Years ago, I thought this would be a great campaign to get involved in. Increasing awareness of recycling programs among the bar and restaurant community. Think about how much waste could be eliminated just by getting bars and restaurants on board with a recycling policy. North Carolina actually has a law on the books that encourages recycling. During the 2005 legislative session, the state’s General Assembly passed a bill that requires holders of certain Alcoholic Beverage Control permits to separate, store, and recycle all recyclable beverage containers. The bill does not affect all bars and restaurants, but it is a start. There are other efforts going on across the United States to enlist more establishments.


Some of these links provide helpful information on how to start a bar recycling program, existing programs, best practices, and material removal availability. Life has gotten in the way of my plans to advocate for bar and restaurant recycling, but after finding some of these links and tips I think I will renew my effort to make a difference.

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