Thursday, November 8, 2012

Botox and Depression

           Botox is most often used as a way to fight aging and maintain a youthful, wrinkle free look for the face. However, a new study says Botox may help fight depression. The study is a first of its kind and was conducted in Switzerland. Researchers found that paralyzing the space between your eyebrows where vertical creases develop can reduce symptoms of severe depression in some cases. The positive mood effects were noted after just five injections. I think this is a great find, but I wish it were not necessary for people to need to lessen the effects of severe depression when there are so many medical treatments already available.
            Depression can be a debilitating condition. Those who suffer are feeling more than just a little down or sad as many non-effected people might think. It is easy to wonder why someone just can’t snap out of it. It is easy to think that someone who distances him or herself from social interaction due to depression is just giving up. I think these things often about people with depression. Actually, I more often wonder why the heck they are not being treated because science has gotten us to a point where most people do not have to feel severely depressed. There are all kinds of pharmaceuticals to try out.  Perhaps some people don’t like being medicated or don’t feel like your self on the medication, but I think those are selfish reasons for not getting help. The depressed person is not the only one who has to deal with the symptoms. Family and friends are affected. In addition, if people don’t like how they feel on the medication maybe that’s because they’re so used to not feeling well. Furthermore, if someone doesn’t like the idea of being medicated they should get over it. I don’t like having to rely on so many medications (allergy and other), but the truth is they help. I wonder what did people do before there were so many pharmaceutical aides, and then I realize they just suffered. Just give in and get help!


  1. Depression doesn't come from inside? It would be very interesting to see some details about this study because right now I don't think botox can have something to do with depressions.

    I will have it only after I'm sure it helps. The same thing I did with the first use of botox designed to remove wrinkles.
    I saw a few women that had botox in Ottawa and only after some of them shared their experiences I decided it's safe to have botox. So if people will feel better after having botox to treat depression, who knows, maybe I'll try it too.

  2. I embedded the link in the story, but here it is again (sorry it's a bit long). I'm sure this article will help you get more information about the study.;_ylt=Ani6v5WowYpZOzTRNN.f9RBabqU5;_ylu=X3oDMTNzajRoYWxhBG1pdAMEcGtnA2Y2Y2E4M2JlLTg1MTgtMzg1ZC1iYzMwLTZmNzAyYmRhMzczNwRwb3MDMwRzZWMDTWVkaWFCQ2Fyb3VzZWxNaXhlZExQQ0FUZW1wBHZlcgMwZWRiNzliMS0wY2Q4LTExZTItYjZiZS03MzUxZTZiZDM0MWI-;_ylv=3
