Monday, September 22, 2014

Wedding weight loss

If you have a plan to lose weight for a wedding, how do you expect to keep it off? Or do you expect to?

The goal in this case is limited. Sure, it is actionable, measurable, and has a timeline, but then what? What happens in the six months after the ceremony? If the stated goal is to lose weight for an event instead of changing a lifestyle to be healthier, it will be much easier to fall off the wagon.

So many of these such diets are calorie restrictive and focus on deprivation. The dieter decides to cut out their favorite foods and unhappily count the days until they are off the diet. Crash! All of a sudden the dieter is able to eat those foods again, and will, in force.

I’ve seen people go on these pre wedding diets and/or exercise bootcamps so they can lose weight and not look like themselves. Some of these people haven’t been so thin in years. Some may have never been as thin. Isn’t it more important for you to enjoy your day and look like yourself rather than revel in shocked compliments from guests. I guess the photographs are more important to these people than the memory of the actual process or simply being in the moment. A goal is a goal, this one is just not one I would have.

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