Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Social media laziness

The world wide web puts a never ending amount of information right at your fingertips, but some aren't taking advantage of it. In fact, another product of the www, social media, has made people lazy. It is extremely easy to find the answer to just about any question on the web, and answers to the more difficult questions are discoverable with a bit of effort. However, since we're such a connected society it seems people now expect to not have to search for answers. When they have a question they just post it on Facebook or ask about it on twitter. When a person reads something they don't understand on social media they don't bother to open another tab on their browser and conduct a simple internet search. I implore you to put the limitless knowledge contained on the web to use. Find answers for yourself instead of just believing what someone else says. If your only source of information is your peers then you'll never have to make up your own mind. When you see something that is puzzling or a mysterious word just look it up yourself.

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