Saturday, July 20, 2013

Movie review: Girl Most Likely

Directed by: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini

Starring: Kristen Wiig, Annette Bening, Matt Dillon 

Rating: A-

This is a very charming, comedic movie that documents the depressive spiral of Imogene's life and how she eventually and painfully comes to terms with her new reality. The story is witty and is filled with subtle humor. Much of that humor surrounds things that are not said, but instead the clothing the characters wear or the situations they are thrown into. It makes you scratch your head for a moment wondering if there are really families like that in American, but then you think there must be. In all their eccentricities, families like that do and must exist. In the end, those families with the anecdotal stories grow closer and stronger through adversity.

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