Saturday, March 22, 2014

Inventing a holiday

One of the options on my bucket list is to invent a holiday and celebrate it. This is a very fun idea, but it takes some commitment. After all, you can't just say you're celebrating some made up commemoration and then do nothing. I celebrate the Winter Solstice. I wish people Happy Win-Sol. It is a nice way to celebrate a non religious holiday during "the holidays." Plus, in my past life I often worked on Christmas and missed out on the joy many people feel over that holiday. So this was one of my own. However, Win-Sol does not qualify as inventing a holiday since the winter solstice is actually a thing. So, I've had my thinking pants on.

I have an opportunity to come up with a solution this month. March 26th is "make up your holiday day." It's like the universe is telling me to accomplish this item on my bucket list this year!

March 26th is a Wednesday, and I'll have to work so any sort of made up holiday has to fit within the confines of proper business conduct. Not too much of a bummer since I am wearing the thinking pants. I'm sure I can come up with a creative idea. So, here are some ideas I came up with:

  • Rainbow and Unicorns day (Shamrocks and leprechauns get their day, so why not?)
  • Strangle the ground hog day (Go in search of that dastard liar)
  • Cheese appreciation day
  • Random dance party day
  • Speak in an accent day
  • Compliment Day

Whatever and however I end up celebrating I plan to have proof of my holiday invention in the form of a selfie. This will be a nice addition to the bucket items I hope to accomplish this year.

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