Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SNL and the Booming Vegetarian Trend

     It's been around for decades and now it seems vegetarianism is a trend. I started cutting meat out of my diet seven years ago and I'm seeing more and more of my friends who are beginning to do the same. I really realized the booming growth of this trend when Justin Timberlake sang about it on Saturday Night Live on March 9th. He donned a sponge looking tofu costume and sang about his diner's vegetarian and vegan options; he was at war with the meaty, sausage seller. He closes the hilarious skit with the Vegan Shake in an effort to capitalize on the ever popular Harlem Shake. Of course J.T.'s songs were catchy, his dancing was silly, and the skit was memorable.
     I hope this trend toward vegetarianism results in more and varied food options for people like me who have been practicing this diet for years. Every year there is a food/diet/health fad. By December these fads become annoying in their over saturation of the consumer market. I generally take pride in never glomming onto these crazes. However, in this instance I am already a participant and I don't want to get annoyed with my own eating habits. So, let's hope there is an odd aboriginal product that is more appealing for the fad-seekers out there.

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