Monday, March 25, 2013

Kids and The Yellow Dog Project

     There's a movement that's gaining steam in an effort to protect your child. The Yellow Dog Project is an ingenious campaign that seeks to increase knowledge and education about not petting every dog you run into. When I would take my dog Mary Tyler Moore for walks children would often run up to her and just start petting her. I would crouch down (Mary is a dachshund) and instruct the kids on how they should pet her. Many of them thought it a good idea to go straight for the head. Although Mary is a very well mannered and socialized dog, having a stranger pet her on the head is not a good idea. I had these concerns with Mary, but just think about all the people who have dogs that shouldn't be pet like those with a seeing eye dog, dogs with illnesses, dogs that are in training, etc.
     So, here's the idea behind The Yellow Dog Project, if you see a dog with something yellow tied to his/her leash or collar it is a dog that needs some space. The yellow sign is a very visible signal to proceed with caution and be alert. What a great idea? Now if we can only get the word out to parents!

Click here for more information on The Yellow Dog Project.

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