Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sexism in Schools: Taking Swearing Pledges

     We've come a long way, but sexism in schools is still alive. A high school in New Jersey made its girls take a pledge swearing to not swear, but the boys did not have to make that promise. According to an article on Yahoo!, the administrators at Queen of Peace High School had the girls take the vow because they wanted ladies to act like ladies. The the boys were told not to swear in the presence of ladies, but when they're not in the room they were told they can say whatever they want.
     Since Queen of Peace High School is a catholic school and not a finishing school, I believe administrators are unfairly targeting women and teaching them gender stereotypes. Ladies shouldn't swear, but men can say foul things and it is accepted. Some men don't like to hear a foul mouth on a lady, but some do. So, wouldn't it make sense to just allow women to speak how they will and if someone doesn't like it they can move along and find someone they are more suited for? The idea of trying to mold a woman and fit her into a box is very outdated. The school is trying to teach women  how to conform to antiquated perceptions of womanly behaviors instead of being themselves.
     Not making the boys in the school take the pledge sends a message to them that they can get away with any impropriety they want, not just using foul language. These are the boys who will grow into men who cheat and lie, but think they are entitled to do so. The women who were forced to take the pledge are the ones who are expected to put up with it and make excuses for the poor behavior of their men. Not making the boys take the pledge instills in them a mentality that they can do and act however they want, but women are objects to be controlled and told how to act. This sort of life lesson is unhealthy for the boys and girls affected by it. It will lead to rebellious behavior and

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