Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Commercials

     I don't just watch the Super Bowl for the commercials, but I do enjoy them. There are so many of the advertisement breaks in the big game it would be a crime to not try to enjoy the time. It would actually be a very costly crime since according to a 30-second commercial during the 2013 Super Bowl cost $4 million dollars. That is a lot of wasted money of the advertisers miss their mark, which they sometimes do. Every year though, advertisers leave us with one, if not two, very memorable commercials. Who can forget the little Darth Vader in the Volkswagen ad or the Doritos dog that gets its revenge or even the Budweiser Clydesdales. The buzz that can be created by an ad in the Super Bowl gives an enormous competitive advantage to the lucky company that pulls it off.
     This year, you can expect to see Budweiser with some spots. According to Bleacher Report, they'll be installments of the popular "Superstition" campaign. WWE's The Rock is rumored to be in a "Got Milk" ad. It is also likely that you'll see a trailer for the new Star Trek movie. While these commercial concepts do not appeal or no longer appeal to me, I will be dutifully watching for the next best thing.

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