Monday, February 18, 2013

Girl Scout Cookie Craze

     The words Girl Scout Cookies set off a pandemonium that can be likened to a child hearing the jingle of the ice cream truck; everyone starts running. This time of year the treats are all the talk around the water cooler as little girls clad in green uniforms do their best to peddle the cookies. Let's face it, they don't have to try too hard. Nowadays, a parent brings in the order form to work and the office goes crazy. It happened in my office, and while I am not cookie crazy, I signed my name on the sheet.
     One can hear of the love for Thin Mints any time of year. Usually on the off months you'll hear people speak of their cravings and their woe at having finished the last of their boxes. People stock up on this cult classic. It's popularity has reached epic proportions. I wonder if this love for the cookie is due to the fact that it is only available for a few months of the year. Kind of like the McRib sandwich, there is a cult following because of its exclusivity.
      I am not addicted to Thin Mints like many others, although I will have one if you thrust the cookie in my face. I have a box of "Thank You Berry Munch" cookies coming to me. I have also enjoyed Dulce de Leche and Carmel deLites. While perusing the Girl Scout cookie website just now I see the girls in green have put an end to a mystery of mine. Growing up, I new of Samoas as Carmel deLites. When I moved to the south I was very confused about the name change. It seemed no one had ever heard of Carmel deLites; they had always known them as Samoas. I asked more and more people, but it seemed no one had ever heard of Carmel deLites. Still to this day, I have a hard time finding someone who knows what I am talking about. However, on the Girl Scout website it lists the cookie as "Samoa/Carmel deLite," acknowledging the fact that it does have another name.
     I have also noticed on the website that there are a few more cookie options that are alien to me. I wonder if they market them regionally, or maybe I just didn't pay enough attention on my order form. Nonetheless, this is a great cause even if you're not a cookie person. Buy a box and help give a little girl life skills. Click here to enter your zip code and find a Girl Scout Cookie seller near you.

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