Thursday, February 28, 2013

Freakin Streaks vs. Gray Hair

     When ever I tell people I have white patches of hair they chuckle and ask if I'm sure it is not gray hair. I have often wondered that myself, however I am quite sure it is pigment challenged hair. I began noticing the spots or areas when I was a teenager. The 'freakin streaks' as I called them showed up along the back right portion of my head, and when I put my very short hair into a pony tail the natural highlights would not make it into the elastic and would display themselves loud and proud.
     As I grew older I started noticing spots on the crown of my head. One time a hairstylist asked me in an accusatory fashion if I had been getting my hair colored. She quickly retracted and decided that no professional stylist would do such a crappy job. I tried not to be too offended by that comment and I instead took it to mean that no stylist would do such an uneven job of coloring.
     Presntely, the white that was once only in the back of my head on the right quadrant has spread all the way forward to my temple. When I wear my hair down it actually looks like I have different shades of blond on each side of my head. When I wear my hair up in a twist it is very noticeable! I asked my current hairstylist what she thought of the white. Did she think it was actually gray hair sprouting up? She said the hair is much too fine to be gray hair. So, I guess I'm stuck... er blessed with freaky hair that I'm too stubborn to get fixed. My philosophy is that people pay good money to get their hair the color of mine (usually not all the colors at once), so why try to change it? The grass is always greener, but in life I try to be good with whatever shade or shape my pasture is in.

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