Sunday, August 3, 2014

I Hart Kevin where most comedians fail

Let me explain something to you. Kevin Hart is a hilarious grown little man. Seriously though, I find his comedy refreshing and relatable. He's not out there trying to make fun of people like many comics. Instead he uses events that happened to him (or fabrications) and goes from there. Plus he is pretty and has nice teeth.

I shy aways from many comedy shows and find others vulgar because making fun of people is just not funny. Don't make fun of women, Asians, blondes, or people with handicaps. Using foul language  to try to instigate laughter is also poor form. These are tricks and gimmicks that get the cheap laugh. I never go for the cheap laugh. (BTW, "that's what she said" a cheap laugh. It became predictable after the first five times anyone anywhere said it and it takes no originality or wit to deliver that clown of a line. I digress...) You're going to learn tonight!

A date took me to a comedy show recently (seriously, not the best idea since this can be hit or miss). The show was almost all poorly executed attempts at laughs. The comics used many of the same types of jokes that are tired and thin and when things weren't going well they would just start cussing. These comedians got the dead face stare from me. Instead of laughing, smiling, or looking normal, I put a pissed off, 'you're not funny' look on my face. Some noticed. I liked one of the funny men they had on the stage. He made jokes that actually took brains. I totally get that this humor is above the heads of many people, but I find it a nice alternative to the people who are all trying to do the same thing. The joke had to do with Lord of the Flies and daycare centers that are found in the phone book. You just can't pick one out at random because it has a nice name. He did that and kids were running around everywhere in true anarchy. Thank you guy from Bloomington, IN for that. I was the only one in the audience who laughed, which he picked up on and commented that at least one person is a reader.

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