Friday, August 22, 2014

Finding a place for MOOCs in business

So, I am now finished with my MOOC experiment. Success! I completed all of the work I set out to and I learned quite a bit about how e-learning is, could, and should change the education environment. I enjoyed the process and did not find the work to be hard. A couple of the lectures were jargon dense and I had to listen twice because I found my mind wandering, but all in all, it was a simple experience. I am planning to enroll in another MOOC in the future to continue this open learning process.

The offerings from the different MOOC platforms are varied, but in my opinion it is a large list of elective courses that are more suitable for supplemental learning rather than gathering an in-depth understanding on a certain subject or the equivalent to a degree education. I see the application of MOOCs to be more advantageous for life long learners and those who just want to briefly learn or brush up on a certain subject. This is not for a person who is seeking a formal education on any topic or is looking for a cheaper alternative to a degree.

I see a large area for growth for MOOCs within the corporate world. I would be interested to see how and if companies and corporations can work with education institutions and then MOOC providers to create or curate relevant training for employees. Perhaps this is even a business opportunity for someone or some entity interested in forging through this uncharted field of bringing e-learning opportunities to the business world in a more structured and open environment, instead of the company paying for certain training modules to be available to employees, the institution would be able to choose from a list of MOOC offerings that are applicable to their industry. Cost savings and more variety. Win-win.

MOOCs are a very young and constantly changing technological advancement. Content will continue to improve, options will grow, and partnering schools will decide to take the leap into a wider virtual world. Only time will tell where MOOCs will go and what they can do.

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