What does Labor Day weekend mean to you? It is a significant period of time that marks a change in the calendar. Often the start of a new school year for students, even though some now start in early August. My question is whether Labor Day is the end of summer or the beginning of the fall season.
Since I am a bright side girl, an optimist at heart, I will go on record by saying it is the beginning of the fall season. After all, that is my favorite season of the year. There’s so many activities that start up and a crispness grows in the air. Fall reminds me of football, colorful leaves, hearty soups, and jacket weather, all things I like quite a bit.
For something to signify a beginning, doesn’t there usually have to be an end. That is at least true when we’re talking about the continuum of time. Summer has to end for fall to start, and although the technical calendar date of this event isn’t until mid to late September, all the signs are there. I, however, do not mourn the passing of summer. It is not one of my favorite seasons. I have a love hate relationship with summer. I love that I don’t have to wear so many layers after the long and often brutal winter, but I hate the heat. I don’t like the humidity or the summer storms. I don’t like having to run the air conditioner so often. I do like baseball games, picnics, and grill-outs. Oh, it truly is a love hate relationship.
So, I will not mourn the passing of summer, but instead I will treat it like the end of any other season. I will ignore the passing and look forward to the weather and events to come. After all, by the end of any season aren’t we all sick of it and yearning for something new?