Saturday, June 28, 2014

My MOOC experiment

I've decided to undertake an experiment of sorts with a MOOC. I decided taking one of the massively open online courses would be fun, satisfy my curiosity, and teach me something new about my industry. After all, I've written about MOOCs in the past it's about time I gain some first hand experience with the technology.

I have signed on for a Coursera class called "e-Learning Ecologies." Learning about technology and the changing face of learning. It is a six week course, and all I have to do for the intermediate level is to watch an hour long lecture each week and complete some light work. Granted, there are three levels of involvement a student can chose to partake in, and I have decided to go for the lowest level.

This is an experiment because going back to school is not something I want to do at this point in my life. I already have my Master's degree and there really isn't a great program out there that fits my needs and interests. So, I am experimenting with this free, non credit bearing class. The statistics cite a very low completion rate for MOOCs, less than seven percent. Most people sign up, sample, and then don't finish. So, we'll see how long I stick with it and then after that, since I consider myself a lifelong learner, if I decide to take anymore classes.

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