Thursday, June 5, 2014

Looking for more binge t.v. watching

Binge t.v. watching is nothing new, but its popularity is. I have recently been on a documentary kick. I’m not sure what brought this on, but I have enjoyed binge watching a few titles. I consumed a flick about the Bermuda Triangle and one about JFK’s assassination among others. Those were the two most notable movies. I appreciate the scientific look at history and current events. Perhaps this is because I’ve OD’ed on current dramas. I don’t watch reality t.v. but still, there is only so much Scandal a girl can take, although I do like that show.

I think more likely, I watched the documentaries during a natural transition from binge watching one t.v show to another. I have not found that next title yet, although, I am keeping myself company with episodes of The Wonder Years. I do not watch much t.v. at all and when I do watch I generally turn the channel to reruns from a hilarious show that I have already seen. Netflix is a good place to turn to with a whole bunch of new titles and ones that have fallen off my radar. It boasts suggestions selected for me based on my viewing history. Still though, I am a skeptical viewer. In addition to these tips, many people have suggested and urged me to watch certain shows. I am hesitant. It can be a big time investment. Plus, some shows take a bit longer to get into and I don’t feel like investing time in something I’m not sure will happen.

Take The Office for instance. A friend insisted I start watching it. I gave regular updates telling that I thought it funny, but it made me uncomfortable. I was told I needed to keep watching because it gets better. My updates remained the same but with a growing demand that I don’t believe I should have to go through that much discomfort for the payoff of a little bit of funny. Keep watching. Soon, I decided to stop listening to that friend. Instead I stated my protest again and with finality. I will not keep watching The Office because although you promised it will get better, it hasn’t. Most of the humor isn’t worth even one of my chuckles. Other humor is distressing despite the fact that I realize the show is attempting to make fun of the clueless nature of some of the characters. Which in my opinion is just as bad as making the joke outright because the writers are just finding a loophole, a way to be crass and insensitive without actually having to feel like they are. Their veiled attempts to make me laugh do not change the fact that I am uncomfortable and do not chose to spend my time feeling that way.

People have very different tastes. Their viewing habits are unique and just because Person A likes something doesn’t mean Person B will like the same, even though A and B are friends. Situations like the above ‘Office-gate’ only make me realize how much (or little) a person knows me to suggest I watch something I deem as such a fail. Therefore, I will watch Breaking Bad when I feel like it. I will watch Game of Thrones when I feel like it. etc. This may make me a little late to the game, but it will ensure that I am not wasting my time on a fad that friend C, D, or F think is the best thing ever. BTY, I will not watch that buzz-garnering reality show. It's just not my style. Avoiding all of the above allows me to not get sucked into watching multiple shows at the expense of my own life.

So, do you dare suggest my next binge watch?

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