I have a hard time reading a lot of things on my Facebook feed lately. Without the period sentences run together and make no sense. I can't tell where one thought ends and another begins. I know the words you write make sense in your head, but isn't the purpose of communication to actually have someone understand what you are saying. If no one understands you are yelling into a vacuum. Why attempt to post something on social media if effective communication is not the goal? After all, Facebook is not Twitter and you won't run into the same character limitation trouble. So, why omit characters?
Punctuation is important. We've all read the promotions for commas being the difference between eating grandma and inviting grandma to eat (Let's eat grandma vs. Let's eat, grandma). Perhaps this campaign and those like it have been too subtle and now people have decided to also refrain from using periods. Some sentences can be understood differently as a result. It could be the difference between i'm not coming over tonight? and I'm not. Coming over tonight?
While we're on the subject. I cringe at common grammarical errors and I don't hate to admit it, but I judge people. I'm not sorry. I learned most of these in high school or before. Here's a list. Review it. Learn it.
There, their, they’re
were, we’re
Its, it’s
To, too, two
Then, than
Less, fewer
Lets, let’s
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