Friday, February 14, 2014

Awards season excitement

I love awards season. There is so much excitement in the air. Anyone who knows me knows I like to get in on the excitement. I throw costume parties, go to marathon movie screenings, and try to watch all of the movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar. This year things are no different.

I have accomplished my goal of watching all of the movies nominated for the top prize. It's fun to check them off the list and compare one against another. Although, some years it is hard to compare the movies because their merits are so wide ranging. Don't worry, I will blog about my favorites. I wouldn't leave you hanging like that!

This year, I am going to a fancy event at a movie theater. I'll be dressing up in a red carpet-worthy gown and hopefully I'll have a cocktail in my hand as I watch all the glitz and glamor of hollywood. In the past, I have thrown costume parties complete with themed treats, and games (Oscar bingo anyone?). Last year, I dressed as Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook. It was quite hilarious. So, this year's party will be less humorous (however still a good time) and my costume will be much more glamorous than the trash bag I wore over my sweats last year.

Perhaps I'll do something fun this year with social media for all of my blog readers (I know there aren't many of you, but I am amused by writing). I think I'll compile a list of comments and observances and post them. Sort of like if I were live tweeting, but instead of sending my thoughts out to the world every minute or so, I'll save my followers the annoyance of my ramblings and I'll just post one bulk thought stream. It's a plan!

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