Saturday, April 27, 2013

Jurassic Park 20 years later

I had never seen Jurassic Park until recently. I do not know what I was doing in 1993, but since I was a spry 13-year-old I am guessing I was doing anything and everything other than caring about dinosaurs. There aren't many 13-year-olds who do love the animals. Sure, most people went to see the movie when it was originally in the theaters regardless of age or gender, but I was not one of them. We added this once-summer blockbuster to that list of movies I haven't seen, but definitely should have. This year, being the 20-year anniversary of the movie's release, I was in luck. I seized the rare opportunity (although this may not be so rare in the future) to see an old movie remastered in 3-D and re-released.

I would have to say, while there are some definite factors that date the movie horrifically, the movie holds up with time. It is still scary and I believe I wouldn't have slept for a week if I had seen it in my early teenage years. There was suspense, fear, concern, and surprise. All adding up for a great drama. I don't know that I would necessarily see the movie again, but I am glad I finally had my first viewing. It was definitely worth my time. Interestingly, this movie is still very relevant as scientists, mad, evil or not, attempt to play God with genes, DNA and such in order to create the perfect human being, pet, anti viral, etc.

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