Saturday, November 29, 2014

Free things to be thankful for

List 25 free things that I am thankful for. This is a creative writing exercise that hopefully will come easy to me. And even though Thanksgiving has come and gone, I am thankful for things year round. So, here goes:

  1. Hugs
  2. A warm bed
  3. Friends and family (not exactly third on the priority list)
  4. My health
  5. Creativity
  6. Summer rain
  7. The first snow
  8. Autumn smells
  9. Good stories
  10. Idea collaborators
  11. Nature walks
  12. Silence
  13. Music
  14. Art
  15. My five senses
  16. Cool pillows
  17. Doggies
  18. Lightning bugs
  19. Sunny days
  20. Photographs
  21. Water
  22. Jacket weather
  23. Exercise
  24. Polite people
  25. Soup

Okay, that wasn't so bad. I thought of others that could be seen as controversial given the "free" element of this exercise. While I left some out, I decided with others that free equals whether I paid for it. So no, I did not pay for my soup. It was given to me by a polite person in a music filled court yard under sunny skies.

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