Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Earth Day resolutions

Every year I make Earth Day resolutions. These are promises I make to myself and Mother Nature to show I care about the sustainability of our planet. Yes, I am an environmentalist in a non intense, no cult-like way. I encourage and celebrate acts of conservation, but I try not to judge people who do not meet my standard of responsible living.

I've been making these resolutions for years, and each year I try to find something new. This is getting a little hard, since I already implement many earth saving habits. However, this year the idea wasn't too hard to come by. I had been wanting to compost for a while, but since I'm an apartment dweller this is not very feasible. I have stashed that idea off to the side. But what if I didn't have to? I started researching community compost and found that there are a couple services in the Indianapolis area, including Earth Mama,  that will drop bins at your home and then pick them up in a couple weeks time. They deliver the scraps and trimmings to a local organic farm. Sounds like a great idea.

There is a fee for this service, but there's always a fee of some kind isn't there? I guess I would rather pay to have my compost items taken away to be put to use than to pay down the road for throwing all of my refuge in the trash. Living clean, healthy, and green is more expensive than not, but there are payoffs. Number one, and most important, you get to feel like you are helping out. This idea extends in many ways. You feel like you are helping reduce landfill waste. You are helping protect the environment for your children. You are helping organisms grow by putting back into the earth when you taken out. You are helping support organic farms. You are sending a message that clean living is important to you. You are showing that you stand for something that is bigger than the plot line of your favorite t.v. show. Need I go on?

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