Friday, November 23, 2012

Shells Guide: Weather Appropriate Clothing

           This is the time of year to bundle up. The temperature has dropped and the air threatens snow and more, however there are some people who refuse to wear weather appropriate clothing. I’m not sure if they think they look cool wearing shorts when it is 40 degrees. They don’t look more macho by not wearing a coat at 30 degrees. They’re failing at appearing to resist societal conventions by not zipping up their jackets or not wearing gloves. They just appear to be morons. Instead of portraying positive characteristics, people who do not wear weather appropriate clothing look poor and idiotic. Can you not afford a coat? If money is the case there are plenty of programs available to make sure you have something appropriate to wear when outside. Sure, you may think the weather is not that bad, but do you really want to see how much you can take? It may not be “that bad” but wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t dress like a moron? There is nothing wrong with maintaining a moderate temperature throughout your body. No one will think you’re less of a person for dressing warmly. People may actually think you’re smart!

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