Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Christmas movie tradition

For years I have marked Christmas by going to the movie theater and enjoying a new release. This all stems from my career in t.v. and how I would often have to work on Christmas Day or the day after and was therefore unable to properly celebrate at any time of gathering. I started going to movies because this was something I could do for myself, by myself. I enjoy stories of all kinds and I do not have any hang ups about going to the theater by myself. After all, why would I need a friend there if I am not planning to talk during the movie.

The earliest memory I have of this tradition was seeing Benjamin Button in the theater while I was in Memphis. However, I do know that the facts don't line up since I was living in Indianapolis for Christmas of 2008, the year in which this movie was released. Nonetheless, the best movies of the season typically come out. It's a great time to see some of the best of the year without having to wade through crowded theaters.

This year will be no different. I plan to see a movie, although I am not sure which film I will make it to. I guess that depends on my family. This year I am actually able to spend Christmas with my family and my niece and nephews have different tastes in movies. So plan A is to take her to see Into the Woods and plan B is to take the boys to see The Interview. I want to see both of these and I know that I will eventually see them both, but there is only enough time for one on that day.

My apologies to anyone who thought this would be a blog about watching Christmas movies instead of movies on Christmas. Shame on you for thinking that though. You obviously don't know me! I don't particularly like Christmas movies. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Refreshing with a clothing swap

I am planning to attend a clothing swap in the coming weeks. This is an exciting event, one that I've never participated in. The hostess invited all of her friends and then we all bring a number of clothing articles that we no longer want and/or don't fit. They should be gently used so that your trash is someone else's treasure.

I have gone through my closet and started pinpointing items to get rid of. I often purge my wardrobe of these tired items, so this year it is fun a friend might benefit from my clothes rather than the local Good Will. I think Good Will stores are great and I will continue to donate to them, but this is something different. This clothing swap is an opportunity to freshen my closet without spending any money.

The idea of not spending any money to freshen my closet greatly appeals to me. I have a lot of clothes, much more than I need, however I sometimes end up in situations where I have nothing to wear because I do not have the right kind of clothing. I am going on a ski trip in a couple months and I need clothing that is appropriate for a ski village and winter activities. I have my outer wear, but it is the fleece, vests, and flannel that plague me. I do not have these things because I do not regularly wear them. As such, I do not want to spend money to buy these items and I am hoping that I will hit the jackpot at this clothing swap.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Stop sending Christmas cards

Christmas cards are categorized in my brain with chores. When I was growing up, it seemed that buying, signing, addressing, and mailing these cards was an oenerous task that resulted in a time and productivity black hole. No one liked going through this process and it was even worse when my mom and dad received an unexpected card.

Each year, there was the list of recipients and each year that list would grow with more people my parents never intended on keeping in touch with. Mostly, these list additions happened because someone new sent a card to my parents. When you get a card from someone unexpected you must reciprocate quickly, or else. Or else what? They think you're a Scrooge? You're a Grinch?

The only time my parents would hear from people on this list was around the holidays in the form of that low grade form of communication, "Wishing you a bright and happy holiday. The Jensens." So glad you clarified that with the obligatory greeting card. If you hadn't I would have thought that you were wishing ill of me.  When I was younger we didn't have the internet and it was pretty cutting edge that my dad would print off the address labels instead of hand writing all of the names and addresses. However, now there are so many communication options.

I understand that some people get really into the card tradition. They create personalize cards and include photos and some even send a long a family update. The personal touch on the cards makes it nice and much less sterile. It is nice to get a card that isn't generic. Holiday cards should all be personalized. Make me feel like you mean what is written on the inside of the card instead of making me feel like you've just checked another thing off your chore list.

If you do not care about the recipients, please don't send cards. You are wasting paper, production materials, packaging and more. Worse yet, you are wasting your time and energy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cooking up peanut brittle gifts

Since I am far away from many of my loved ones, I have started a tradition of making craft gifts to send to them. Last year, I knitted  coozies for coffee mugs. I had to learn to knit before I could make them, so this was a great project for me. This year, I am giving peanut brittle as gifts.

I learned to make peanut brittle a couple years ago and it is a delicious homemade treat. What a better gift?!  I made my list and checked it twice to see how many jars I would have to fill with the candy. What I didn't anticipate was just how much brittle I would have to make, how many batches I would have to cook up.
 So, I filled the ball jars, put a doily on top and then screwed the sealing band on top. I tied on gift labels with ribbon, and added some festive stickers. Who wouldn't like to get this in the mail?! Okay, people with peanut allergies, I know. I don't have to worry about that though because I am the most allergy stricken person I know.

This is an exciting project, and even more exciting is the fact that I will not have to ship these all over the country. Only a couple of them need to go in the mail. The rest will be hand delivered with a smile and/or a hug.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Movie review: The Theory of Everything

Directed by: James Marsh
Starring: Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Tom Prior

Rating: B-

This movie peaked my interest when I first saw the trailer months ago. I thought it looked like a pleasant story told in a quaint fashion. Then I started to hear Oscar buzz about it and decided I should definitely see it in the theater while I still can.

The movie did not disappoint me. It was engaging, entertaining, and more. I appreciated it's story line following the progression of life from hopeless disparity to thriving against all odds. Now, whether it will win any Oscars is anyone's guess, or actually, is more depandent upon the other films in the category. This was not an earth shattering, moving film. It was mostly forgettable, and that is not something that I find true of top contenders.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Revisiting the old bucket list

I am making progress on my bucket list, little by little. I decided I need to tick of a few of the entries each year so I am not left with a long list when older age hits and I am less able to accomplish things. As the year draws closer to a close I am reflecting on the things I was able to do.

I learned to salsa dance. This was accomplished in a round about way without me even realizing I was satisfying an item on my list. I started taking Zumba classes and I learned the core movements and some steps. If I had taken an actual salsa dance I would have learned how to incorporate this into a dance with a partner. Perhaps this is something I will do in the future when I am looking for a fun new project.

This year, I also invented a holiday. While I have not celebrated it yet, that is on my list. My fake holiday is WinSol and it is something that I have been acknowledging for years as a winter holiday alternative that fits with my schedule as well as my belief system. My holiday now has traditions, colors, and a background story.

While 2014 was a busy year, I only worked in two of my bucket list items. I actually moved the third off into the new year. I plan to construct a gingerbread house in January. I will have much more time to do this then, and it is also a fun activity to brighten up an otherwise boring weekend. The super bonus is that many of the gingerbread kits will be on super sale at the store after the holiday.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Creepy Christmas music

I'm going to say it. Christmas music can be very creepy! I am not one of those people who switches on the holiday tunes as soon as the Thanksgiving turkey is cold. I don't mind a song here or there, but listening incessantly to old jolly music is not my thing.

Many older Christmas songs are eerie. When the crooners start belting out their favorites, I search for ear plugs. Perhaps it stems from unhappy memories of car rides on Christmas day after all the fun was over, or music mysteriously emanating from far off places. Seriously, when I worked the third shift someone forgot to turn their music off in their dark and dank basement office. The result was Patsy Cline singing some sad Christmas song and me too creeped out to try to find the source of the music.

Perhaps I also don't like the music because I see it as disingenuous. Am I really supposed to believe that everyone is that excited about Christmas and covering the same old songs? There are likely many recording artists who don't feel as deeply about the holiday as they portray in their rendition of "All I Want for Christmas." For this reason, my favorite Christmas songs (if I have to pick) are "So This is Christmas," "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," and "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer." Not classic songs, but they're certainly fun and I don't feel like a hypocrite for listening to them.

"So This is Christmas" really exemplifies how I feel about all the fake joy around the holiday. It is sad that so many people get excited about the materialistic aspects of the holiday. They celebrate putting up Christmas decorations, baking cookies, going gift shopping, and of course receiving gifts from others. I don't think that is what any holiday should be about. Spending large amounts of money and partaking in consumerism shouldn't have to be a part of any holiday.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Movie review: Whiplash

Directed by: Damien Chazelle
Starring: Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons

Rating: A

This movie is the complete package. All others I have seen this year have been lacking something. It was a je ne sais quoi, until now. They all lacked the harmony I experienced in this movie. No pun intended, since this is a movie about musicians.

The acting was there, the directing was there, the conflict, building tension, climax… There was irony and symbolism. Best of all, in my book, there was a sort of down with the man moment in the end. Perhaps I have said too much. No more. I don't want to have to SPOILER ALERT myself.

This is the most well connected movie I have seen this year and in a long time prior. This movie is deserving of the Oscar buzz it is getting.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Movie review: Birdman

Directed by: Alejandro Gonzálex Iñarritu
Starring: Michael Keaton, Zach Galifianakis, Edward Norton, Emma Stone

Rating: B -

This movie is a contender. It has strong direction., strong acting (after all, they are actors who are acting in a stage production), but I was lacking the connection I needed. I found myself not caring much what happened to the story at times when I should have been intently watching instead of questioning what was going on. Perhaps the main character just wasn't supposed to be likeable. I did not feel a rapid deterioration of the character as I believe I should have witnessed. I felt there was also a lack of storyline development with supporting characters (Stone's character primarily). They characters were meant to portray the craziness that was going on in the life of the protagonist and meant to point toward his failings in life. It seemed as though the movie gave up on them. It just decided to resolve the story of one, while leaving many loose ends. The end was abrupt and left more questions than answers. When I look back at the movie, I can identify the necessary parts of a plot line, although I think this should have been much more apparent at the time.

While this review seems to portray the film in negative light, I am not wholly disappointed by it. Birdman was entertaining.